Black currants
Yes we are now back in the sale of freshly picked black currants. As readers will know we had troubles with Australia Post during the Covid Period. This seems to have ended and we are attempting to send multiple … Continue reading →
Yes we are now back in the sale of freshly picked black currants. As readers will know we had troubles with Australia Post during the Covid Period. This seems to have ended and we are attempting to send multiple … Continue reading →
Yes I know we seem to be in a quandary. Ann and I have had many discussions as to what we should do next with the main part of Eureka Farm when we sell the 2 blocks of land (see … Continue reading →
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Continue reading →It has been an interesting summer for us. Well that is one way of describing it. Certainly the driest year in the 26 years we have been settled in Tasmania, We have been continually irrigating our row crops with mixed … Continue reading →
What a season – hardly any rain in the last 6 months. But amazingly lots of fruit. IN the tree crops cherries and apricots are now being picked. Lucky we have irrigation. Just the same lots of damage from roos … Continue reading →
Observations of our berry crops in particular showed poor growth and often heavy weed infestation at the end of last season. This was partly due to the very dry summer and the invasion of weeds and in particular twitch. I … Continue reading →
Lots of rain in Tasmania. Not just the East Coast but all over Tasmania. One minute we are experiencing droughts and now floods. Fortunately not too much damage todate but certainly slows down the work program. Oh well such is … Continue reading →
May is nearly finished and yet the strawberries are still ripening albeit at a much slower rate. Alas we are not getting many to eat ourselves as the parrots seem to have taken a liking to them this year. Hopefully … Continue reading →
In our strawberry paddock we had 2 big trees right next to the strawberries. They were both dead but needing removing. And this is what I decided to do to my chagrin. As you might know felling big trees can … Continue reading →