Cherry Netting
One of the last jobs for the 2012/2013 season has been to get the cherry netting up. The original netting and many of the trees were destroyed in the 2006 bushfire.
Since that time we have replanted most of the orchard and recently replaced the posts in a better rearrangement of this netted section. It has been a difficult job as the new posts are over a metre higher and we really don’t have the proper gear for the job. Fortunately for me my new worker Kaki from Hong Kong has showed real enthusiasm for this job which has helped us overcome many of the obstacles.
We won’t have many cherries this year as they seem to be dropping. Maybe due to the hail storm we had about a week ago or quite possibly due to some nutrient deficiencies. However I may be able to grow young trees now which lately have been getting decimated by the wallabies.
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