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My Early Years — 3 Comments

  1. Dear Denis,
    I’ve stumbled on your fabulous life story regarding growing up in Sutherland, and hope you may be able to assist me by providing any information regarding the old ‘Hands Timber Yard’, on the corner of Glencoe Street and the old Princes Highway. Anything you recall may assist me. I grew up in the house next door to the timber yard. Sadly, this house, like the timber yard, is long gone.
    My mother, Enid, delivered milk by foot around the streets of Sutherland every morning before school. Her family name was Jeff. She married Vic Lambeth. I’m their youngest child.
    I’d love to hear from you. Can you (or anyone with links or memories re the old timer yard) please, please contact me.
    Thank you in advance!

    • thank you for your comments and our very enjoyable follow up call. It has been a very busy fruit season and I haven’t done any more in regard to your questions. A good winter challenge!!!

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