Water restrictions for the town of Scamander

TasWater has implemented Stage 3 water restrictions for Scamander as of 3 January 2020 until the end of March 2020 due to a significant drop in the daily flow of the Scamander River over the last two weeks.
TasWater’s decision to escalate water restrictions comes after careful consideration of the advice of TasWater’s engineers and scientists who monitor the drinking water network across the state.
“The town is currently on Stage 1 water restrictions, which were implemented from 23 December 2019. The unprecedented low river flows in conjunction with typical summer demand have necessitated the need to move to Stage 3 restrictions,” TasWater Department Manager Community, Stakeholder and Customer Relations, Ruth Dowty, said.
“We have been monitoring the river flows, town consumption and weir levels daily, with flows being the lowest we have on our records.”
TasWater is working on a long-term strategy for Scamander and the whole of the east coast for this summer and into the future. It is arranging alternate supplies to meet essential customer demand.
Stage 3 restrictions are designed to reduce non-essential use of water by approximately 75 per cent of average consumption. Watering of residential, public and commercial gardens is limited to levels intended to prevent long-term vegetation damage and watering of lawns is banned.
“We wish to thank the Scamander community for their support during the Stage 1 restrictions and look forward to their ongoing assistance,” Ms Dowty said.
Information about the Stage 3 water restrictions can be found on TasWater’s website.”
Update: now trucking water in from St. Marys