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Manufacturing Plant — 2 Comments

  1. dearest denis and ann,

    please don’t sell your lovely land in total. it is such a beautiful place, so peaceful and lovely. i think you would sorely miss it and i don’t think there is another place that you would find that is better. you have lived there so long. old trees are hard to transplant, as i am finding.

    if you don’t have to participate in the workings of the farm, you will have time for other pursuits, like travel anywhere you want to go . be with those you love for more than a weekend or a few days. it is time to enjoy all the things that working on the farm delayed you from doing.

    there are things that you will miss by not working the farm, but if you find someone who will carry on in the manner that you would work, it might be a boon to your life.

    my thoughts and love are with you and God willing sometime i will be able to travel down again. i do miss you both and miss lolly and the farm. it is such a tragedy that trump allowed this to happen along with all the 75 plus other things that are destroying this country . THANK GOD, BIDEN WILL BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT.

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