What’s in a Name
My name is Denis. Why Denis. Why not Mr. God Almighty or some such more ceremonial name to command the world’s attention. Actually Edna , Ann’s mother used to sometimes say to Ann ” where is Mr.God Almighty”. I would have to say that used in that manner I wouldn’t think of it as a term of endearment.
But one thing you don’t have any say over is your name. Sure you can change it by deed poll or some such way but most people just stick with the name you are given. There you are so very young , just a few days old and you have to trust your parents to choose a name that will past the test of time, not be abused and so on. And in Australia you have to be so very careful as Australians generally don’t like long names and you end up having your name changed again without any attempts on your behalf to be co-operative. Some names actually get changed so much that there is no relationship to the original.
Now take my name Denis. I have an Aunt named Denise. Could my parents have been honoring my Aunt by naming their first born Denis. Well I know the answer to that one. I really like my Aunt and wouldn’t have minded being named after her. But no my name comes from my grand Uncle Denis Leonard who was killed towards the end of the first World war. I suppose I could have been called Denis 111 or some such or maybe Denis Junior but that doesn’t seem to be an Australian trait. My family is related to General Wade Hampton and their are plenty of descendants of the first Wade Hampton name 1,2, or 3 but that’s another digression.
Yes naming someone has a lot of responsibility to it. For example what happens if afterwards you find that the person you are named after turns into a rogue or worse. Sometimes naming rites like this also carry the expectation that the name will be carried on with all or even more prestige than the one he/she is named after. Wow that would be just too much responsibility. Well I never knew my namesake Denis Leonard except that he was described as a fine man.
there was a time when we had to name our own children. Bruce and Aimee. Unique names as I don’t recollect these names having been used before. Strong names too which don’t clash with their surnames. I think that was my desire. They could be themselves.
And now I too have a nickname. It has come about I think because my son remarried. Well this is what I like to think. You will have to be the judge too. My nickname is Grumpy. It is strange but I quite like it and for Bruce and Liz’s Brady bunch it works well. Bruce has 2 children by his first marriage with Victoria , Sarah and Hannah. Likewise Liz has two children by her first marriage Charlotte and Sophie. And now they have a boy named Baxter. Can you see my dilemma? Liz’s two children are not blood related and Grandfather or Gramps or somesuch would be false. But Grumpy is fine with everyone and probably be fine with more and more people as time goes by.
But be careful as I don’t want to be Grumpy all the time.